Approche de la crise : mon ressenti sur le comportement des marchés...

Publié le par loïc abadie

Je vous donne ici mon simple ressenti sur le comportement actuel des indices, et ce que j'observe depuis le début de l'année, en tant qu'intervenant expérimenté sur les marchés.
Ce comportement est très différent de celui de 2007 et 2008 et ce n'est pas bon signe.

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Network Operations Center – Definition<br /> A network operations center (NOC) houses the equipment and personnel for monitoring a network of computers, servers, mobile devices and Internet of Things devices, aka smart devices from a centralized location. The NOC has the high-functional infrastructure with automatic alerts that notify technicians about the issues across the network. The overall function of a NOC is to maintain the network uptime with smooth & uninterrupted operations.
Field Service Management has a crucial role in maintaining Network Field Engineer as they are responsible for planning, installing, testing, and maintaining the equipment to run a proper communication network. Their general duties include the maintenance and repair of equipment and construction of towers to ensure optimal performance. A telecom engineer’s job involves the use of various tools such as interconnect devices, network facilities, and radios. A field engineer also works with engineers from other fields for equipment installation and then report to the upper management.
Very nice post. Thanks for sharing with us.
Awesome article! Thank you for this article.